CS Executive classes
Journey Begins……………….
After you clear CS Foundation, then real journey begins for
CS profession. CS Foundation is the First stage towards the CS Profession but
at the same time this stage is completely different from the Next stage, i.e.
CS Executive. Since the two levels are different so the strategies should also
be changed now.
People say, hard work is key to success but, I disagree and
advice you to do smart work. For sure success you have to combine your hard
work with your smartness.
In CA final law classes, we have some subjective subjects and some
objective subjects.
And please don’t misunderstand yourself by considering
objective exams to be the simplest one. Both kinds of exams should be given
equal priority.
Students generally waste number of attempts but the only
reason behind their failure is their wrong strategies toward studies. They try
to refer different books for a single subject due to which they can’t even do
the single book thoroughly. And also lack of Revision is one more reason. we are online providing CA video lectures.
‘We should refer Module or Scanner or some author’s book?’These
are general confusing question of CS executive students. But I will advise you
to refer the module just for confirming the topics and matter should be
considered from some other book. The other book which you will select should
contain deep analysis of the sections and should have proper understanding of
the concepts.
Like, if we talk about law subject, like company law, and
ECL, Securities law and Capital Market. Students should try to prepare their
own handwritten notes for the subjects.
Written practice is must in law because many students fail to present
their answers properly in exam paper due to which they don’t get marks.
Referring to application based question (A.B.Q) related to law exams is also
very important for clearing the exams. Nowadays at least 50% of the law papers
contain A.B.Q.
Now if we talk about the objective subjects ( cost and management accounting, tax and
industrial and labor and general) all students should first clear the concepts
related to these subjects and then should solve the maximum multiple choice
questions. It’s a simple rule objective exams can only be passed with maximum
practice of M.C.Qs.
Set weekly targets and at the end of every week revise all
that you have covered during the week. Revision is very important, never ignore
In this way, one can surely clear his CS Executive classes in first attempt
All the Best
wow thank you for sharing this keep sharing CS professional video classes